Does Instagram Followers Count Matter?

We all use Instagram for different purposes. Some of us are using it for fun while others are using it to gain information about a topic they are interested in. And finally, there are businesses running their operations on Instagram. Whether it is for fun or not we all think about the same thing. Does Instagram followers count matter?
I did research on this topic and wrote my findings. If you are wondering the results just continue reading.
Quality Over Quantity Overrated?
First, we need to talk about the followers count influence on society. Back in the day, the followers count mattered the most in social media. Especially at the beginning of Instagram, the followers count meant credibility and more reach. However, as time went by it seemed to matter less and less. At least it is what they claim. User experience on the other hand tells another story. Sure, quality over quantity is the best rule to follow while creating content, but if you do not have enough followers to share, your content will disappear in the flood.
Even though Instagram’s algorithm will do its best to bring out the most qualified content aligned to your liking, it still requires you to have some recognition by users if you are a content creator. Because the algorithm scans through you and your social circle’s profiles to offer you related results in the future. So, it’s possible to manipulate its suggestions with a higher Instagram followers count. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean all you have to do is post every time you see a kitten or a puppy (I like them though). It just means you must find balance between quality and quantity.
I’m a Libra So I’m Naturally Balanced
No, you are not. Besides, aren’t libras best known for their imbalanced nature? Luckily, balance on Instagram is easier to achieve than it is in real life. If you are just starting Instagram content creation, 2 posts per day should give you enough time to make quality content, and if you stick to this number, you’ll have a good amount of quality content in no time. Of course, having other social media accounts to advertise your Instagram profile will make your life easier. However, if you are relatively new to all of this you might need some boost at start. You can use a service like Views4You to boost your Instagram followers count.
The More I Post the More I’m Closer to Go Viral
Mathematically you are correct. When you reach higher post counts your chances of going viral will be higher. However, as I said before, quality and quantity should be balanced. Think for yourself, do you really spend time on the low-quality content? Probably not. So, you have to give people what they want if you want to go viral.
Now, let’s try to explain how does Instagram followers count’s influences your profile.
Does It Help Me?
Let’s say you own a business and to do sales you must reach people. Best way to achieve this is through marketing. And Instagram is a great marketing tool if you do it right. You advertise your brand on Instagram, your followers advertise you to their followers, and so on.
Its greatest power is word-of-mouth marketing. It’s so powerful even the most accomplished companies and celebrities are using it for advertising.

Those given examples have one thing in common its popularity. They channel their popularity to advertise products and get results immediately.
To achieve this as a John/Jane Doe will be time-consuming. However, thanks to the Views4You growing your Instagram followers count is instant. So, it’s possible to reach a wider audience from the start. After you reach a higher volume of followers you’ll see the benefits in your business.
Should a Non-Business Owner Care for Numbers?
Well, that depends on whether you like popularity or not. Personally, an active community always makes me happy on social media and the possibility of making money through social media is just a great bonus that comes with it. If we are to make a list, why would a regular person care for numbers it would be like this.
- The More the Merrier: Social media is in its best when actually socialized. There are billions of people around the world and it’s mind blowing when you realize we are not that different even if we are coming from different cultures.
- Sharing Is Caring: When we see something funny, it would only get funnier if we share it with friends. Let’s be honest we laugh the loudest with friends all around us. More Instagram followers count gives that exactly.
- Possibility to Make Money: Even if you are not earning money right away, it’s great to have that as an option. Who knows maybe you will be the next influencer we all admire and follow!
- Knowledge: The more followers you have the more knowledge you’ll have about the world.
- Make History: Maybe you will go viral and make a history on the Internet. You will be remembered forever!
Those are all remarkable things to have in our limited time on earth and relatively easy to achieve so why pass the opportunity? Don’t waste any more time and unleash your potential with Views4You!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the number of Instagram followers really matter?
Yes, the number of followers does matter as it influences your reach and credibility on the platform.

Although quality content is essential, having a higher follower count helps the Instagram algorithm recognize and promote your content to a broader audience.
How can I balance quality and quantity in my Instagram posts?
Balancing quality and quantity can be achieved by posting consistently without compromising the quality of your content. For new content creators, aiming for two posts per day allows you to maintain a steady flow of quality content. Using other social media accounts to promote your Instagram profile can also help.