CheckRed: Why You Need CIEM in Your Cloud Security Strategy


With the fast growth and increasing complexity of cloud infrastructures, traditional security measures often fall short. This is where specialized tools come into play. Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) is a specialized solution designed to manage and secure access rights and permissions within cloud environments. CIEM assists in the detection, analysis, and mitigation of access risks across hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures. It ensures that only the right identities (such as users, devices, or AI systems) have the appropriate access to cloud resources, thereby enhancing the overall security posture of an organization.

The Growing Need for CIEM

Managing access rights and permissions in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments presents several significant challenges. As organizations adopt more cloud services, they face an increasingly complex landscape where different platforms have their own sets of rules and permissions. This fragmentation makes it difficult to maintain a clear and unified view of who has access to what resources. Without proper oversight, this can lead to security gaps and vulnerabilities that can be exploited.


Traditional Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions, which were designed for on-premises environments, often fall short in the cloud. They lack the granularity and flexibility needed to manage dynamic cloud environments effectively. Traditional IAM systems are usually not equipped to handle the scale and diversity of modern cloud infrastructures, which include various services, applications, and users. These systems also struggle with providing continuous, real-time visibility and control over cloud entitlements, which is crucial for maintaining security.

This is where Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) comes into play. CIEM addresses these challenges by offering a specialized solution tailored for the cloud. It provides detailed visibility into access rights and permissions across all cloud environments, ensuring that security teams can monitor and manage entitlements effectively. CIEM solutions enforce the principle of least privilege, granting only the necessary permissions to users and services, thus minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.

CIEM also integrates advanced analytics to detect and mitigate access risks. It automates the process of identifying and correcting excessive or misconfigured permissions, helping organizations maintain a secure and compliant cloud infrastructure. By filling the gaps left by traditional IAM solutions, CIEM plays a critical role in enhancing cloud security, ensuring that organizations can confidently manage their cloud resources while ensuring data protection.

Key Functions of CIEM in Cloud Security

Visibility of Entitlements

CIEM provides continuous and granular visibility into cloud entitlements, offering a clear view of who has access to what resources at any given time. This visibility is crucial for managing cloud security because it allows security teams to track and monitor access rights across the entire cloud environment. By understanding which users, applications, and systems have access to specific resources, organizations can ensure that only authorized entities can access sensitive data and perform critical tasks. This level of insight helps prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

Rightsizing Permissions

Another critical function of cloud data entitlement management is rightsizing permissions, which means ensuring that access rights are appropriate and not overly broad. In many cloud environments, users are often granted more permissions than necessary, leading to potential security risks. CIEM addresses this issue by continuously assessing and adjusting permissions to match the specific needs of each user or system. By rightsizing permissions, CIEM minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and reduces the attack surface. This proactive approach ensures that users only have the access they need to perform their jobs, thereby enhancing overall cloud security.

Advanced Analytics

CIEM leverages advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to analyze access patterns and detect anomalies. These technologies help CIEM identify unusual activities that may indicate security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts or compromised accounts. By continuously monitoring and analyzing access data, CIEM can quickly spot deviations from normal behavior and alert security teams to potential risks. This proactive security management allows organizations to respond swiftly to emerging threats, thereby reducing the likelihood of security incidents. Advanced analytics not only enhance the detection of security issues but also provide valuable insights for optimizing cloud security policies and practices.

Integrating CIEM into Your Cloud Security Strategy

Centralized management

A centralized platform for managing cloud entitlements is crucial in today’s complex cloud environments. With multiple cloud services and providers, managing access rights can become chaotic and prone to errors.


A centralized CIEM security solution simplifies this process by providing a single, unified view of all entitlements across your entire cloud infrastructure. This centralization helps streamline access management, making it easier to enforce security policies consistently and effectively.

Moreover, CIEM integrates seamlessly with other essential cloud security tools like Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP). CSPM tools focus on identifying and remediating misconfigurations and compliance issues in cloud environments, while CWPP solutions protect workloads across different cloud services. By integrating CIEM with these tools, organizations can ensure comprehensive security coverage. CIEM enhances the capabilities of CSPM and CWPP by providing detailed insights into access rights and permissions, allowing for more precise and effective security management.

Compliance and Governance

Ensuring compliance with regulatory standards is a top priority for many organizations, especially those operating in highly regulated industries. CIEM plays a vital role in achieving and maintaining compliance by continuously monitoring cloud entitlements and ensuring they align with regulatory requirements. It automates the process of checking access rights and permissions against compliance benchmarks, reducing the risk of non-compliance and potential fines.

Continuous monitoring is essential for maintaining a strong security posture. CIEM provides real-time visibility into who has access to what resources, making it easier to detect and address any potential violations promptly. Automated compliance checks further enhance security by ensuring that any changes in entitlements are immediately evaluated against compliance standards. This proactive approach helps prevent unauthorized access and ensures that your cloud infrastructure remains secure and compliant at all times.

CheckRed’s CIEM in a Comprehensive Cloud Security Solution

CheckRed offers a robust and all-encompassing cloud security tool known as the Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP). This solution integrates CIEM, CSPM, and Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) to provide a holistic security posture.

By integrating CIEM, CSPM, and CWPP, CheckRed ensures that organizations have a centralized platform to manage all aspects of cloud security. This integration allows for consistent security policy enforcement, continuous monitoring, and automated compliance checks across multiple cloud environments. With CheckRed’s CNAPP, organizations can achieve complete visibility and control over their cloud infrastructure, ensuring that access rights and permissions are managed effectively.

In conclusion, CheckRed’s CNAPP solution is ideal for organizations looking to enhance their cloud security strategy. By incorporating CIEM, it provides the tools needed to manage cloud entitlements securely and efficiently. With CheckRed, organizations can confidently navigate the complexities of cloud security, ensuring that their cloud environments are protected against unauthorized access and compliance risks.


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